CEO and leader of the Software Team

Fred Pallesen

1983: Cand. Mag from UiO - math, physics and computer science.

1981: Science Teacher from HiT.

1981: Started working as a programmer.
Have used 4GL tools, C, Smalltalk, SuperCard, FileMaker, Java, SQL, XML, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Typescript, Angular, Vue, React and more.

Have created custom cloud solutions for customers all over Norway, England, Germany and USA.

2022: Currently working at Capgemini

Frequently talking about web technology at


2015: Norwegian teacher for syrian refugees

2017: Regular helper at a local languagecafe


March 2023: Had a talk about UFOs at work!

April 2023: Found out about Project Hessdalen

May 2023: Became the Vice President of Project Hessdalen!

June 2023: Got Project Hessdalen registered as a non-profit organization

The work at Project Hessdalen involves organizing regular status meetings with the team, arranging Discord Online Events, create or participate on YouTube meeting, fundraising, advertising, creating the tools needed to run the organization: Google Workspace, updating the Website and the intranet, creating database systems and organizing our planned-to-be annual conference. 

I was reminded of my lifelong interest in UFOs after a recent presentation at the local UFO club. The chairman reminded me that we had met 48 years ago when I tried to start a UFO club in my hometown, unaware that he (Robert Moklev) had already done so.

So now I am a member of: